EP 03

I slept like the dead—just as I always did—safe in the knowledge that Max would awaken at the slightest disturbance. He’d saved my bacon any number of times in the past. There was nothing but the steady drumbeat of the falling rain on the aluminum roof all night.

The rain continued into the following morning, even after Lucy woke me at 8:30. “Take a shower if you wish, Matt. There’s no hurry. I don’t have to go in until 11:30. Okay if I put Max out?”

“Sure…Max, go with Lucy. She’ll put you out.” Max rose and stretched before loping down the hall with Lucy. I walked toward the bathroom then turned around to take a clean pair of boxers and a clean tee from my bag. I also carried my Colt into the bathroom, leaving it on the vanity while I turned on the hot water.

I’d learned how to wash myself quickly while in the Navy so I was drying myself with a fluffy towel when Lucy knocked on the door. “I have coffee in the kitchen when you’re done and I’m afraid I have bad news. I’m watching the Weather Channel and all the roads are flooded out. Looks like you’ll be my guest a while longer.”

“I really don’t want to impose on your hospitality.”

“You’re not. I’m glad to have the company. I’m pretty lonely here.”

“I find that hard to believe. You’re an attractive woman with an upbeat personality. Surely, you must go on dates.”

“Keep in mind that I know almost everyone here—if not from the diner then from church or from the city government. I’m on the City Council. Unfortunately, all the guys want from me is my pussy. There doesn’t seem to be anyone who wants a serious relationship with me.”

“I find you an interesting, even intriguing, woman. I’m surprised you’re not married.”

“Intriguing? How?”

“You’re obviously a successful businesswoman who could act superior and aloof. Instead, you’re friendly and open—the kind of person who offers a total stranger a place to stay. People like you don’t come around every day. That’s the truth.” I smiled as she blushed from my compliment. Lucy looked into my eyes then smiled. “How about some breakfast? I can offer you bacon and eggs—any style.”

“Okay, but only if I can help you in some way.”

“You can set the table and get out the orange juice. I’ll handle the rest. I was one of the cooks when my dad ran the diner. You know what? I’m in the mood for an omelet. It’s just as easy to make two as one.” I smiled and nodded my agreement as we walked together into the kitchen. Max ignored us as he lay quietly on the living room floor.

I had to admit that the breakfast was one of the best I’d ever had. Not only was the food great, but the company was just as good. Lucy asked about the case I had just closed and was especially interested in how we had tracked down the two suspects. We cleaned up together then worked again to make the bed. I was dressed in another uniform tee and cargo pants when she asked what I would do today.

“I don’t really know, but I was thinking I might drive around town a bit.”

“That won’t take too long. Why don’t you come up to the diner? I’ll reserve a booth next to the door and we can talk or watch the TV news and weather. I’ll even buy you lunch.”

“I’ll gladly come, but I insist on paying my way. What will I do with Max? I can’t leave him in the SUV all day.”

“Bring him in with you. Is he okay with kids?”

“Oh, yeah; he loves kids. I sometimes think he’d play Frisbee all day if I’d let him. He loves going to my cousin’s house and playing with her girls.” We talked together for a while then Lucy went into the bedroom to dress in her diner uniform. There was a slight break in the rain when we left and Lucy was right—her home did look better in the daylight.

I paid close attention to the directions she gave me and five minutes later I pulled into the diner’s lot. She pointed me toward the town’s main drag and waved as she entered the doorway. No sooner was she inside than the heavens opened again.


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