NEW 9JA STORY: Taking Chances [EP 08] || written by Cynthia Ukamu


EP 08

Jide was all angry when he drove into the family company building
located at Eric Moore part of surulere. He didn’t reply the greeting of
people that he passed nor bothered about the look of surprise etched on
their face.

The moment Daisy knew better to keep her distance and stop annoying him
more with the pretence of love, docility and submissiveness, the better
for them both. What had she thought would be the outcome of her preparing breakfast for him? Did she think they were the best of newly weds? Maybe the surprise visit of the furniture persons would jolt her
out of her fantasy. Jide thought angrily as he marched through the
stairs that led to his office in the second floor of the two storey
building they shared with another company.
The olukoya’s company occupied the first and second floor while the
other company occupied the ground floor. Their company deals with the importation of household items and other sundry, the second floor housed
the offices while the first floor served as the show room.

Jide’s presence startled his secretary who had been making a call that was obviously not concerned with business.
‘goodmorning sir…i didn’t know you would be coming in this morning, i….’ the secretary stammered, she had carelessly dropped the land
phone and the phone was now dangling carelessly by her side.
‘oh really, did my schedule show that i will be absent today’ jide asked irritated.
‘no but since you got married on Sat…she started defensively
‘that, Joyce is not your business, your business is to get me the
invoice and documents that come into my section…’
‘your father intercepted them, he said you wont be coming in today…’
‘he what! What’s wrong with everyone? just cos i got married doesn’t
mean am paralysed or that life wouldn’t go on’ Jide was saying as he marched out to his father’s office.
Minutes later, he was in his office. The way he had barged in startled
the oldman who had been perusing a document.
‘what the hell is the meaning of this?’ he shouted.
‘what right have you to intercept the document meant for me?’ Jide
‘Is that a new form of goodmorning?
‘i didn’t come here for pleasantries’ jide shouted. ‘why did you
f.ucking redirect all my invoices to your section?’ he asked again.
‘come on, you and i know that you were not supposed to be in office
today or even this week, you just got married and you ought to be on
your honeymoon…’ he was saying with a rather cajoling tone.
‘give me a break ‘dad’ you can go honeymoon for all i care, i just need
those invoices so i can get to work immediately’ he interrupted still
‘its okay, very Okay Jide, i quite understand, your document are still
with Alice out there, you can get them on your way out’
‘fine!’ Jide barked and stormed out of his office, banging the door
after him. ‘foolis.h old people trying to run my life’ he muttered.

Jide’s father was speechless, he regretted listening to his mother about
forcing this marriage on Jide, For he wasn’t sure now, if it had been
the best thing he had ever done, though it had seemed so then.

As Jide marched angrily to his office, the documents in his hand, he
almost ran into Ade who was coming towards him.

‘slow down man! why are you all smokes?’ Ade asked smoothing his suit,
he was one to care so much about his look for he thought himself
handsome and the ladies delight.
‘i really don’t have the time to chat’ Jide replied irritation showing
on his face, but he didn’t make any move to continue on his way.
‘oh yeah, you should have said so man, rather than try to make me look
all ruffled and on a Monday too!’ he was still sulky over his suit.
‘really Ade grow up, ‘Jide said with an irritated tone ‘its only a suit
not your miserable life!’ Jide retorted and started walking away.
‘and aren’t you supposed to be cruising the world with that damsel wife
of yours for the honey…’
‘not you too!’ jide interrupted almost shouting and stopped ‘why don’t
you f.ucking stick to your business?’
‘its my business you know, i witnessed the marriage, i was the ring
bearer, infact i …’
‘yeah, you could also go witness the honeymoon in my place’ Jide replied
now walking away for real. Ade was really an annoying pest and he could
go on forever with this discussion. Jide was clearly not in the mood to
banter with this friend of his who made it an habit to pester people.

They weren’t even best of friends, but then again Jide hardly kept

‘I’d love to!’ Ade shouted to the retreating figure of Jide.

Unlike Jide, Ade considered it a blessing for Jide family to have gotten
him hooked with a ‘kokolet’ like Daisy, that girl was sooo fine and
even though he wasn’t thinking about marriage soon, he wouldn’t have bothered much if Daisy was forced on him and he just might take up Jide’s offer one of this days, he thought merrily as he waltzed with a funny step to his own section of the company.



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