RELIABLE SOURCE: Another stablecoin crashes, SDO exploited.

The price of SafeDollar (SDO), an algorithmic decentralized finance (DeFi) stablecoin based on the Polygon (MATIC) blockchain, has plummeted to literally zero as a result of what appears to be a massive multi-million exploit today.

RELIABLE SOURCE: 60% of central banks already work on their own digital currencies

After the majority of central banks rejected the concept of cryptocurrencies for various reasons, from security issues to implications in the monetary system, now many of these institutes are very interested in creating their own digital currency. Specifically, 60% of the world’s largest central banks are conducting experiments or proofs of concept to make a digital currency , according to a study by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). SOURCE: Alto Nivel

INFORMATIVE: Digital currency v/s Cryptocurrency

The whole world is experiencing a drastic shift from traditional wallets to digital wallet through digital transformation. A digital wallet holds digital currency as well as a cryptocurrency with advanced blockchain technology. Yes, for beginners it may be difficult to differentiate between digital currency and cryptocurrency. But there are massive differences between these two currencies in the digital wallet.

Dubai’s first cryptocurrency, DubaiCoin, has risen over 1000%

The city of Dubai seems to have launched its own cryptocurrency, called the DubaiCoin (DBIX). It is based on a public blockchain, meaning people will be able to generate their own DBIX by mining them. The price of the coin rose by over 1000% over the past 24 hours, according to It was trading at around $1.13 at around 4 pm IST on May 27, up from an original price of $0.17

Top 10 ways on how to avoid been scammed on P2P platforms while trading crypto.

Unlike other exchanges where the third party is in charge of transactions, P2P exchanges are independent of any central body. The exchange only acts as an online platform to bring traders together, so this makes them prone to scams as transactions are done directly between the traders. You are fully in charge of the transaction and you have the choice to select who you want to trade with and what payment means. P2P exchanges like Remitano allow you to buy Bitcoin with your local currency with no charges.