The real problem of Nigeria is accountability.

Accountability is the real problem of Nigeria; the leaders and the citizenry.

As we approach the 20th of October which is now synonymous with Endsars Protest which started sometime in last October 2020 and climaxed on the 20th of October with the reported shooting of protester by the Nigerian Army as reported on the internet.

Several groups & individual are beating the drum of protests again, on the premise that the initial protest failed to achieve its goal of ending police brutality and the numerous unprintable crimes alleged to have been committed by the very crime fighters themselves. A lot of Nigerians are of the opinion that the situation that led to the protest continues unabated as there are several reports on the internet depicting the truism in their assertions.

It’s noteworthy that there is a growing number of protesters from the twitter community who are laid accusation of theft and funds mismanagement on one of the groups at the forefront of the protest by the name: FEMCO. While this accusation maybe true or otherwise; that is left to the court to decide but one thing is certain there are discrepancies with summary which the group termed “An Audit”. Several block chain experts have shown through numerous threads on twitter that this group FEMCO have questions to answer.

This leads one to wonder what then the main problem of Nigeria is. I am of the opinion that the primary problem of this country is not the police, bad governance or even the usual suspect corruption. From all indications the problem here is Accountability, no one person or group is ready to stand the test of accountability. From the private individuals, to politicians, civil servants and you name it. No one is ready to be accountable, because at the core of accountability is taking responsibility for your action or inactions. Everyone should know that actions/inactions have repercussions or reward.
I can give countless examples across all social strata to support this position. An almost perfect example of this is the Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG) & Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) while NLNG continues to declare impressive profits year on year; the former has been fraught with opaqueness and often time reported alleged monumental fraud which rarely get to be prosecuted by the Law enforcement agencies.
The key issue here is that there is a strong tendency of getting away without anyone raising an eyebrow and whenever someone does, even the masses are the first shout witch-hunt.

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